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Rev. Augustus Corbett is an apostle, attorney, activist, and author for the Kingdom of God. He has been evangelizing, discipling, and transforming inner-city African American communities for 35 years. He sensed this unique calling in his youth when he accepted Christ at age 8. He didn’t understand and embrace his calling until he rededicated his life to Christ in 1985. His calling became even more precise in 1994 when the Lord instructed him to take the Kingdom of God to oppressed inner-city African American families, men, women, and youth.
Rev. Corbett has spent a lifetime studying how satan has subjugated and oppressed Africans, African Americans, and the entire African Diaspora (hereinafter blacks). This journey has taken him to Africa, Cuba, and many inner-city communities across America. He has witnessed firsthand the heartbreaking suffering of blacks locally and worldwide. From his personal experiences, research and study of scriptures he concluded that white racism is the primary weapon that satan uses to subjugate and oppress blacks, the world over.
However, to gain an even deeper understanding of how white racism has destructively impacted blacks, Rev. Corbett has spent many years and countless hours studying the lives, work, and scholarship of notable people with similar callings. The list includes Biblical characters such as Jesus, the Apostle Paul, Moses, and others. Also, on the list, are Frederick Douglas, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, President Nelson Mandela, President Kwame Nkrumah, Kwame Touré (Stokely Carmichael), Justice Thurgood Marshall, Professor James Cone, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Dr. Walter Rodney, Dr. W. E. Dubois, and many, many more.
Rev. Corbett sums up the evil impact of white racism on blacks by asserting that white racism unjustly prevents blacks from becoming who God created them to be, stealing from them dignity and a massive sum of dollars and relegating them to second class citizenship. To right the wrongs of the atrocious crimes white racism has committed against blacks, Jesus came from heaven and announced from the Book of Isaiah that He identified with the oppressed, Himself having descended from an oppressed people. Jesus said specifically:
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind, To set free those who are oppressed, To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.” Isaiah 61:1-12
From these powerful verses in Isaiah 61:1-12, Rev. Corbett understands where his compassion for oppressed people originates. These verses form the foundation of his own mission statement. Like Jesus, he has a deep concern for the poor, captives, blind, and oppressed. He realizes the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, racism, and white supremacy are the root causes for most of the sufferings of blacks.
Rev. Corbett teaches blacks how Jesus identifies with their struggles and desires to free them from all bondages. Although he acknowledges that whites used the Bible to deceive, enslave and colonialize blacks, he refutes the erroneous and satanic lie that Jesus is a white man and the Bible is written for and by whites. He shows blacks how to experience freedom in Christ from racial injustice and its consequences in the “NOW” without waiting on Heaven. He explains that Jesus brought the Kingdom of God with Him and declared it to be “Present.” He helps blacks find freedom from white racism so they can serve Jesus with all their souls.
In 1994, Rev. Corbett founded Augustus Corbett Ministries (ACM), to take the Kingdom of God to black inner-city neighborhoods. He takes the Kingdom of God to oppressed blacks by preaching Jesus, promoting Jobs, and pursuing Justice. ACM is the umbrella for all the outreaches Rev. Corbett founded over the years.
In 2018, Rev. Corbett founded Saltmakers Church. The church is making authentic Christ followers who salt the earth. Specifically, the church repairs broken inner city blacks with the life-giving message and power of Jesus Christ. Then the church seeks to train and return these repaired believers to their communities to make more authentic Christ followers. Last, the church reproduces the Kingdom of God in other inner-city neighborhoods through multiple campuses, small groups, and additional church plants. For more information please visit our website.
In 2018, Rev. Corbett founded the Texas Urban Renewal Network (TURN). This 501(c)3, nonprofit organization brings transformation and urban renewal to inner city neighborhoods. It offers mentoring, entrepreneurship training, jobs creation and more.
Finally, in 2019, Rev. Corbett and his daughter, Attorney Chloe Corbett, founded Corbett & Corbett LLP and the Lazarus Law And Justice Project (LLJP). Corbett & Corbett LLP pursues justice for people injured in accidents, facing divorce or custody issues and accused by the government of criminal behavior. LLJP is a nonprofit law firm that utilizes litigation, lobbying, and advocacy to free the innocent, reform the criminal justice system and hold corrupt cops accountable.
Rev. Corbett obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from North Carolina A&T State University and his Juris Doctorate from NCCU School of Law. He is a practicing attorney but is phasing out of law to pursue full-time ministry. He’s the author of Education Injustice: How Public Schools Fail African American Males, and will release a number of other books in 2020. Through his many endeavors, and with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, family, friends and ministry partners, he is fulfilling his mission of taking the Kingdom of God to the inner-city. Click here, to learn more about the mission of ACM.
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Outside his local ministry and community, Rev. Corbett is happy to serve the Body of Christ in whatever fashion he can. His expertise, knowledge, and anointing include training, teaching, consulting and coaching leaders who share a similar desire of reaching inner-city African American communities.
- To learn more about the teaching ministry of Corbett, please visit his speaking page.
- To learn more about his consulting services, please visit his consulting page.
- To learn more about his leadership coaching, please visit his leadership building page.
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