
This author Augustus Corbett has created 37 entries.

Making Sweet Holy Love

Every year many Christian married couples throw in the towel and head for divorce court. Financial problems are oftentimes the major culprit for these divorces, but lousy sex contributes too. Partly to blame for the lousy, boring sex are the hang-ups that Christians bring to the marriage bed. Ironically, one cannot read the Song of Solomon in the Bible and honestly think that God wants Christians to have boring sex lives. Instead, He wants our sex lives to be hot...

Twelve Characteristics of Great Leaders – Part 1

As leaders, we influence others to further a particular mission.  Our influence may arise from our position or personality.  Either way, this definition of leadership makes nearly everyone a leader, including you. You heard me right homemaker, wife, husband, mechanic, or secretary.  You too are a leader because you have influence with others.  You may not have lots of people following you but you’re still a leader. On the other hand, you may have lots of followers or have...

12 Characteristics of Great Leaders – Pt. 2

This is part two of our recent blog post, Twelve Characteristics of Great Leaders.  The purpose of this blog is to empower everyday leaders to become great leaders.  Hope you enjoy. Characteristic 7:  Challenge your team to excel Our followers will rise to the challenge, but no more.  Therefore, we must challenge them to excel; that is to achieve more than normal.  If we don’t make excellence the standard, they will produce average results.  And average, mediocre...

apps for ministry

My Favorite Apps for Ministry

I believe God enabled technologists and engineers to develop computers, smartphones, iPads and apps to further the Gospel and advance the Kingdom, not for porn and profit. Many pastors, however, are not taking full advantage of their smart devices and apps for ministry.  Hence, I wanted to share my favorite apps for ministry. I’m not a technology expert, but my technology gadgets are a huge part of my ministry and law practice.  And before I start, let me...

Please Take My 2016 Annual Readers Survey

Hello.  I want my blog to be even more helpful and relevant to your needs.  To improve it, I need information from you.  Your input is absolutely necessary to make my blog better.  Therefore, would you please complete a short survey. It will only take five minutes of your time, maybe shorter.  Additionally, your answers and identity are completely anonymous. As always, thank you for helping me Build Leaders who are successful at home, work and church. ...