Christian Wives Are To Be Helpmeets to Their Husbands

In the beginning, God said that Eve was to be a helpmeet to Adam. The Amplified Bible in Genesis 2:18 expounds on the meaning of helpmeet.  It says, “I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.”  Hence, the first role of Christian wives is to help their husbands by adapting themselves to the needs of their husbands and completing and enhancing them in every possible way.

Christian Wives Should Respect Their Husbands

The second role for Christian wives is found in Ephesians 5:33. It says,

“let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband [that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly] (Amplified).”

Essentially, Paul is saying that Christian wives should treat their husbands like kings.  They should edify and build them up with applause, admiration and esteem.  Never should a wife berate and belittle her husband.  This is a sure way to destroy a marriage.

Some women grimace at this duty.  However, these wives fail to understand that edifying their husbands will cause them to want to go conquer the world for their queens.

Christian Wives Should Be Sexually Intimate With Their Husbands

The third duty of Christian wives is to be sexually intimate with their husbands. I Corinthians 7:1-5 says the body of a Christian wife is no longer hers, but her husband and likewise the body of a Christian husband is no longer his, but his wife.  They owe each other sex.  This area of Christian marriage is crucial because satan uses sexual temptations to entrap Christian spouses, and one effective means for them to resist this temptation is by engaging in regular, satisfying sexual intimacy with each other.  Christian spouses should use caution and wisdom, however, if they suspect their spouses are unfaithful.

Spousal Abuse in Christian Marriages

Before concluding this article, a strong admonition against spousal abuse is warranted. Christian couples should never abuse each other in any way including physical, verbal, or emotional abuse. Christians who abuse each other are committing sin and have deeper issues that must be addressed. We include this warning because of the tragic harm and even death that come from spousal abuse.

We are especially concerned for Christian wives since they are the victims of spousal abuse disproportionately. They should never tolerate abuse from their husbands and should demand that their husbands get help at the first sign of abuse. If abuse has occurred, especially physical abuse, they should leave for a safer environment and not consider returning until their husbands have gotten help and shown proof of rehabilitation and accountability. In essence, take abuse seriously.


Of course, the above duties are not exhaustive as there is a multitude of obligations Christian couples will have in marriages.  Nevertheless, we shared these duties to show that when Christian couples are loving and treating each other like kings and queens they will enjoy strong Christian marriages and the world will have examples of God’s intention for marriage.  We invite you to connect with our church so our pastors can elaborate on how they have maintained a strong marriage over many years.