
The Lord Jesus Christ instructed us to “Go and make followers of all the nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  Matthew 28:19 (NLV).  His instructions are nonnegotiable.  They apply to every Christ follower not just apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors or teachers.

World map illustration, stock vector

Why Missions?

Meanwhile, I can think of a few great reasons every Christ follower should want to reach the lost in foreign nations.

First, foreign mission work is exciting and challenging.  Living by faith, like Paul the Apostle, is awesome.  Believing God for safety and sustenance makes the Bible come alive like nothing else.  It’s a faith building and humbling experience.

Second, unsaved people in foreign nations need to hear the gospel message more than most Americans.  We can hear the gospel message daily in America on television, radio, internet and other mediums.  But it’s not so readily available in third world nations.  Our job, therefore, is to meet this need of taking the gospel to them.

Third, many unsaved people are Muslims.  Some of these Muslims become radicalized because they have an animus against America.  Perhaps we can prevent this radicalization if we get these Muslims saved.  Salvation is undoubtedly the best antidote for Islamic radicalization.

Fourth, Christ followers who work in foreign missions tend to see and experience more miracles than others.  Christ promised in Mark 16 that He would accompany us when we preach abroad.  He promised to show us supernatural signs such as healings, exorcism, divine protection, and tongues when we evangelize the lost.

Fifth, the Bible promises heavenly and earthly rewards to Christians who are involved in foreign missions.  We don’t get involved in foreign missions for the rewards, but they will be nice.  The rewards show how much God loves lost souls and appreciate our efforts to reach them.

I’ve been blessed to take two mission trips thus far, and I have a third trip planned for October or November of 2016.

West Africa

African Students
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In 2000, I took my first missions trip to Togo, West Africa.  I also visited Ghana, the Ivory Coast, and the Gold Coast.  Our host, the late Apostle Geoffrey Tomtania, led one of the largest churches in Togo.  He and his lovely wife, Monica Tomtania, treated us like royalty.

However, Apostle Tomtania worked us hard.  We preached in satellite churches located in remote villages.  We strengthened the pastors of these churches through foundational Bible teaching.  Many of these pastors asked us why more African Americans were not missionaries especially in Africa.

As a former Muslim, I spent some time evangelizing young Muslim men.

Eastern Europe

In 2001, I took another missions trip to the Eastern nation of Bulgaria.  A pastor colleague and I traveled to Bulgaria in association with a Christian college to teach in their school.  We spent several weeks teaching Bulgarian pastors basic Christian principles.

Additionally, we spent time evangelizing the local gypsy community.  This experience was especially rewarding because as an African American I can identify with rejection the gypsy community experiences in Europe.  They responded very well to us also.


india2My next mission trip will be to the country of India.  Wow!  It’s exciting.  The purpose of the trip will be to plant churches and a Christian school.  India has many needs especially spiritually.  Many people there embrace Hindu and Islam.  I pray God sends a spiritual revival to India that blankets the over billion people with Jesus Christ.  Perhaps our mission trip will play a part in this revival.

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