Time and space don’t permit me to teach you how to change your thinking; however, I’m developing a detailed course called “Think Big, Win Big” that will go into much more details.  Until then, you can download my free eBook entitled “Get Rid of Stinking Thinking Once and for All.”  It lays the foundation for becoming a big thinker.

Whatever you're thinking, think bigger. Motivational Background

Believe big

After you start thinking bigger, you’ll start believing bigger automatically.  The early twenty century Evangelist F. F. Bosworth said faith begins where the Will of God is known.  His point is you cannot believe beyond your thinking.

Of course, we believe with our hearts, not with our minds, but God connected our hearts to our minds. Hence, small thinking or incorrect knowledge circulating in our minds will blind us to what we can believe God to achieve.

For instance, if ministers have taught you all of your life that God stopped healing people shortly after Jesus died, you will not know to believe God for healing if the enemy attacks your body.  And if someone attempts to inform you that Jesus still heals today, you will reject this new information because of your old thinking.

Giving is the ultimate expression of your faith and trust in God. You are not really believing God fully until you trust Him with your resources.

Talk big

Notice the progression.  What do you think happens after you develop bigger thinking and believing?  You guessed right; you start talking bigger.  Your conversation changes.  You stop poor-mouthing and start speaking confidently.  When people ask you how you’re doing, before you realize it big talk comes out of your mouth.  You will notice yourself saying, great things are happening, or you will quote the Word.  This change in your talking means there’s been a change in your thinking and believing.

Watch out because some of your friends who are used to you poor mouthing will notice your big talk and may say you are prideful.  Tell them it’s not prideful to talk big if it comes from big thinking and believing based on the Word of God.  In fact, it’s humility to talk big based on the Word of God because you are trusting and depending on God.

God loves it when we trust and depend on Him.  That’s not pride at all.

Give big

Finally, big thinking, believing and talking cause big giving for the following reasons.

Giving is the ultimate expression of your faith and trust in God.  You are not really believing God fully until you trust Him with your resources.  Relinquishing to Him some or all of your resources puts you in reliance on Him.

Genesis 22 captured an illustration of this truth when God tested Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.  This sacrifice was an example of big giving.  You could say it was ultimate giving, unprecedented in its devotion to God, foreshadowing the sacrifice of Christ.  In obeisance to God, Abraham raised his knife reeling hand fully intended to sacrifice Isaac although he loved Isaac dearly.

But God stopped Abraham after experiencing his willing and devoted heart.  Abraham passed the test with an A-plus and God favored him to become the father of many nations.  He is recognized today as the greatest man ever to live, except only for Christ.

Again, this story illustrates big giving and its rewards.

Win big

Alright, so you’ve paid the sacrifice to become a big thinker.  Accordingly, your believing, talking and giving are now big.  Sure enough, you start winning bigger in life.  God is causing big things to come your way.  Bigger raises on your job, bigger revenues for your businesses, bigger successes in everything God has you doing.  It’s working!  You’re winning bigger in life.  And this is just the beginning because you have removed all the limits you had placed on God due to your small thinking, believing and talking.


If you are willing to pay the price, you can experience much bigger and better things at home, work and church.  Bigger is always God’s will for you—don’t doubt His love and ability to bless you more than you can imagine.  Reject any religious thinking that ascribes smallness to God regardless of the messenger who brings it.  You cannot imagine anything too big for Him to produce.  He’s just waiting for you to think, believe, talk and give bigger.

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